The Floodshine Coast

Welcome to the Rainshine Coast…oh, I mean the Floodshine Coast.

The beauty about living in Queensland is that during summer it is hot one day and humid the next (as my Irish-born dad would happily say).

The weird thing is that since the beginning of December 2010 it has been raining continually with an odd sunny day scattered here and there to remind us what we are missing out on – our usual sunshiny way.

Honestly, I love rain.  I enjoy the cool, cosy, indoor, lazy, movie feel that rain gives off.  I prefer the dark sky instead of the bright one.  I go for the doona and all-day pyjama show rather than hitting the beach and sweating it up with the sand.  So why do I live on the Sunshine Coast I hear you ask?  I don’t know.  I just do, and I do love this beautiful part of the world.

Today was quite weird. We woke up to the sounds of morning thunder and lightning (in the morning, I had just gotten out of bed, the sun had hardly risen) and this was weird because it is not usually normal to have a thunder-storm in the a.m.  In Queensland you usually have a stinker of a hot day and spend most of the time trying to escape the humidity (ahhh…..freezing air-con and my doona ;)) to then be greeted by a lightning show as the sun sets.  Perfect. But because of today’s unusual behaviour, we are now successfully flooding.  My husband and I jumped in the car, during torrential rain as you do, and went for a bit of sight-seeing.  The Maroochy River was overflowing and water was spilling into people’s farms and homes and many roads are now closed.

We have had now had over 1 month of dodgy weather….but on the positive side, we are not in a drought and can have longer showers now that our tank is full 🙂  Thank you Lord!

‘Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.’ – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


And a bit of a glimpse for my next blog entry as I am pretty sure it will still be raining: ‘Can any of the foreign gods send us rain? Does it fall from the sky by itself? No, it comes from you, the Lord our God! Only you can do such things. So we will wait for you to help us.’ – Jeremiah 14:22


(Photography by my husband)


What do you like to do when it is raining?

What do you think?