
I did a post here about my view on homework.

This post is all about what I do to inspire my kids to get their homework done and bring it in to school on time.

Homeworkopoly – which I found on Pinterest is the key to my sanity and has been very effective. I have only just introduced Homeworkopoly this term (Term 3 in Australia), when interest in homework was starting to wane and the students needed a bit of a pick up in their motivation.

The students need to bring their homework in on time and completed. Then they get to roll a dice and move their gorgeous laminated face around the board.

If they land on a Community Lunchbox space, they pick a card from here:

When they land on Chance, they choose from here:

The other places they can land on include:

  • Mystery Prize: Choose a prize from the special box where things such as notepads, smelly pens, rubbers, sharpeners, etc are kept.
  • Game Spot: Choose a quick max.15 min game that the class can play at some stage during the week e.g. bingo, buzz, etc.
  • Free Homework: Choose one item from the homework sheet that you would like to skip this week.
  • On the Bus: Do a job for the teacher to be able to move on e.g. wash paintbrushes or sweep, etc.
  • Brain Binder: using the teacher’s laptop, complete a brain teaser/puzzle online.
  • GO: When students pass ‘GO’ they can choose a sticker.
A whole lotta fun and very quick to set up!

5 responses to this post.

  1. A cool idea Treens. In my class, if all students have completed every single homework task for the week (I mark homework everyday and keep a record) they get $2 (in various combinations) of paper money. The students have to keep their money in a safe place and save it up. We will be setting up a class shop very soon where students will be able to buy things such as pads of paper, smelly pens etc. The idea was to reward those kids who did their homework and also to practise using money in everyday situations! The kids LOVE it and can’t wait to spend their money.


  2. Posted by Mum on August 3, 2011 at 6:45 am

    Brilliant Treens…you are always coming up with new and interesting things!! Changes the mindset so they associate homework with something that’s lots of fun!!…I get it! 🙂 I loved the ‘Gold Rush’, the ‘International traveling’ and ‘Sim City’ you did last year. The kids were so excited, learnt lots and didn’t seem to twig that they were actually being disciplined!! Such a big class to have them so well behaved…and so happy!! Very clever!! But then I am your biggest fan! Mum xxx


  3. Posted by Zara Herdman on August 3, 2011 at 11:31 am

    I am wandering the internet trying to find something and this is perfect. What happens if a child is away on the day homework is due?


    • Hey Zara, thank you for your comment.
      If a child is away and hands in their homework completed when they get back then they still get to roll. I figure it does not fall into their ‘personal responsibility’ category if they are sick or away. 🙂 Have fun!


  4. That is very cool!! 🙂


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